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Chailey Bonfire Society


Chailey Bonfire Night 09/11/2024 05:00 pm


Senior Citizen's Xmas Dinner
07 Dec 2024;
12:00 - 17:00


Out Meeting 006 Out Meeting 004 Out Meeting 005 CBS Member 001 Bonfire 001 Fireworks 001 CBS Members 005 Out Meeting 002 TheFireworkField 002 Out Meeting 003 Fire 001 Fireworks 002 CBS Members 001 CBS Members 006 CBS Members 002 CBS Member 002 CBS Members 007 CBS Members 004 Fireworks 003 TheFireworkField 001 CBS Members 003 Out Meeting 007 Out Meeting 001 Fireworks 004 LestWeForget 001

Events Calendar

Jumble Sale
Saturday 07 September 2024 - Starts: 11:00 Ends: 13:00
Location : Chailey Village Hall


If you have jumble that you would like to donate then please contact us by CLICKING HERE, alternatively you can drop it off at the Village Hall from the following times:

  • Friday 6th September (17.30 to 19.30)
  • Saturday 7th September (8.30 to 10.00)

Would you like to get involved, we are always looking for volunteers to help out at our events, drop us an email if you would like to help out or check out our facebook page.


Hits : 2410

Find Us On Facebook


Chailey Bonfire Society


For all the latest news, photos, events and much more head over to our facebook page.


Thank You


A huge thank you to Experience Days for supporting Chailey Bonfire Society and your kind donation to our Bonfire Raffle.