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Please Donate

Click our “Donate” button to help Newick Bonfire Society continue Sussex Bonfire tradition.

This years Bonfire Night street collection has raised an outstanding…


We have donated to the following charities and good causes who collected on Newick Bonfire Night:

Chatterbox Social Club £45

Headway, Hurstwood Park £65

1st Newick Scout Group £25

St Peter & St James £600

Newick Preschool £100

1st Windmill District Rangers £400

Lady Vernon Trust £30

St Marys Church Youth £125

Newick C of E Primary School PTFA £100

Newick Distress Trust £10

St Marys Church (Pastoral) £200

Burns Unit East Grinstead £300

We would like to express our thanks to Captain of Street Collection Hilary Clothier and her amazing team of collectors and of course we would like to thank you all for your generous donations which has helped us help others in our wonderful community.

Thank you all for your incredible support!

Want to know what’s happening next? Take a look at our up and coming events.

Chairmans welcome

Welcome to the home of Newick Bonfire Society. We are a traditional Bonfire Society based in the heart of Sussex. We pride ourselves on our fire, noise and tradition motto. Whether you want to find out more about us and our history, view our gallery or find out how you can join in with this wonderful tradition , please take the time to look around our website and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries. Katherine Wilkins, Chairman

Latest News.

If you enjoy our bonfire celebrations, please do consider supporting the Society by becoming a member or Vice-President.  

Lately our fund raising events have been less well supported so we are relying even more on membership revenue. The Village Green gives our night a unique atmosphere but is a public space and we are unable to charge admission fees so we would like to encourage all residents of Newick and everyone that visits and enjoys the amazing spectacle that is Newick Bonfire Night to pay for their evening by becoming Vice Presidents or Full Members. For details see the Join Us page!

Full membership?

Allows you to enjoy the full bonfire experience.  Join us on outmeetings to other society’s events and assist with fundraising and the practical tasks of staging our night.   There are lots of ways to get involved (some of which are detailed on this website) and the society enjoys a great camaraderie amongst its members and other societies.

Vice President?

 A Vice President is someone who would like to support the Society but not be actively involved. This is for individuals and families and includes a free Bonfire Night programme featuring printed acknowledgement.

For details on how to become a Member of Vice-President please see our ‘Join Us’ page.